Photograph by Lyn Oxley (C)
NEWSGet Your FREE Sample ChapterFeatured on Writing For KidsThis week, I am the featured author on the Writing For Kids website. Children's author, Dee White has put together a great piece to go with my writing tips for kids.
You can see the write-up HERE One Week To Launch DayIt is only one week until the official launch of Paper Magic. At 3PM on Saturday the 26th of October, 2013 we will be launching the book at the Eglinton Public School. If you live close,
come along and join in the fun . 14 October, 2013 The Books Are Here!A box full of Paper Magic print books arrived today. Very exciting feeling opening the parcel and holding the first copy in my hands. I will contact those who pre-ordered copies. For those who didn't, the books will be available very soon.
14 October, 2013 Proof PerfectThe final proof from the printer is spectacular and approval for the first print run of Paper Magic has been given.
02 October, 2013 Book Launch
The Book Launch for Paper Magic will be held at the Eglinton Public School on Saturday the 26th of October, 2013. You are all invited to attend.
18 September, 2013 E-Book Version Complete
I have just received the e-book versions of Paper Magic to send out as review copies. However, the e-book version is not going on sale until closer to the release of the print version.
13 September, 2013 Cover
The cover Template has been sent from the printers with the calculated spine width. I'm working on fitting the cover art to the template now. Then let the presses roll.
10 September, 2013 Reviewing Proof CopyI came home from work today to find the proof copy of Paper Magic had arrived from the designers. The internals look wonderful, better than I imagined. Maria and I poured over the text looking for any errors. One typo discovered and corrected and the proof has been returned to the editor for submission to the printers.
9 September, 2013 Finalising Layout
I have just exchanged a bunch of emails with my editor regarding the internals for Paper Magic. The final block should be in any day now.
07 September, 2013 Page Layouts Underway
Paper Magic is currently being formatted for printing. As soon as the page layouts are complete, I will get a book block to review and then it is off to the printers.
23 August, 2013 ISBN and Dewey No.
I have received notification from IFWG Publishing Australia of the issue of my ISBN and Dewey numbers for Paper Magic.
ISBN 9780992302016 (paperback) Dewey Number A823.4 25 July, 2013 IFWG Australian Imprint
IFWG have announced their new Australian imprint of the publishing company and the books they will be releasing in the next few months. Paper Magic is second cab off the rank.
12 July, 2013 Audio Version
At this time, IFWG Publishing do not do audio versions of their books though it is something they are contemplating for the future. I have negotiated to keep the audio rights to Paper Magic and I am currently preparing to produce an audio version of the book.
31 March, 2013 Progress News
I have received some good news from Gerry at IFWG Publishing. It seems the printing arm of the company is back in the game. I should hear in the next week or so about the progress of Paper Magic in the printing queue.
17 March, 2013 Guest Author Interview
I have just been interviewed about Paper Magic and my writing by Emily Wheeler from Emily's Tea Leaves Writers blog. You can read the interview on Friday 18th of January at;
17 January, 2012 Kids' Lit Quiz - Guest
I have been asked to be a guest author/illustrator at the Orange heat of the Kids' Lit Quiz on the 20th February. I'm looking forward to meeting kids who are passionate about reading.
11 January, 2013 Final Edits Complete
Final edits of Paper Magic are complete and ready to be sent to the block designer. I'm just doing another read through and proof before that happens. This is getting exciting now.
27 December, 2012 Illustrations Scanned and Formatted
All of the illustrations for Paper Magic have been re-scanned and formatted for inclusion in the typesetting of the book.
21 December, 2012 Publication Delay
Due to a number of unforeseen and unavoidable situations over the last few months, including Hurricane Sandy, IFWG Publishing's release schedule has been delayed by four to six weeks. This means the publication date for Paper Magic will be pushed back to late January 2013 instead of December 2012. 23 November, 2012 |
REVIEWS / READER COMMENTBook Review on Goodreads![]() Billy Bob
This book was entered and was a RED RIBBON winner in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards. This is what our young readers thought: ‘Wonderfully written with a powerful message. Highly recommended and a RED RIBBON winner.’ The Wishing Shelf Awards 27 March 2015 See full review here Book Review on Goodreads![]() Sarah
A tale of acceptance. Acceptance of self, and of others. Paper Magic will teach your child that it is OK to be different; to be you. There is a little magic in everyone, if only we all shared it. 27 September 2014 Book Review on Goodreads![]() Molly Cresswell
This book is a stunning piece of poetry to show children how to see the magic in life. It tells us how we are only limited by our imagination, not by what we are given. Doherty's writing is pure and picturesque, using the simplest of phrases to conjure up the most complex of images. I'm looking forward to reading more. 25 September 2014 Book Review - Reading TimeMarina’s nimble fingers fold the magic paper that Nana gave her and soon a beautiful butterfly ‘pulses with life.’ She is clever with her hands and her arms are strong but how she wishes her useless legs could run and jump like other kids.
When Nana arrives and takes Marina on an adventure in her wheel chair to the local park she realizes that if she is to overcome the fear of rejection and become the person she wants to be, she must push beyond her comfort zone to discover an inner magic. Through this process of self – discovery Marina gains new insight and perhaps even some new friends. This quietly engaging chapter book draws from Doherty’s years of experience working with kids with special needs. It is a story about courage and the overcoming of adversity. Suitable 7-10 years. reviewed by Meredith Capp 30 July 2014 Amazon Book Review![]() Magical By Jenny
Format:Kindle Edition Follow courageous Marina on a fantastical journey in this sweet, heartfelt book. Well written and full of suspense, this purchase won't be a disappointment and you'll find yourself re-reading this lovely magical story. This book would make a great read-aloud or a gift for a child who might be in need a story about courage. Five stars! June 10, 2014 Inverview - Writing Classes For KidsAUTHOR WRITING TIPS – Jeffery E Doherty
Our visiting author today, Jeffery E Doherty is also a very talented illustrator. Jeffery writes short stories, chapter books, picture books, junior and young adult novels. Today’s writing tips are based on the creation of his book, Paper Magic. Read the full interview and my five writing tips 14 March 2014
Book Launch DayToday's official launch of Paper Magic. Was very successful with over 140 people in attendance. Thanks to Books Plus Bathurst for looking after sales on the day. Also a big thanks to Eglinton Public School for allowing me to hold the launch at the school.
26 October, 2013 Illustrate the point![]() By Luke Wong · · From Day in the Life
A shared interest for children's literature inspired Lyn Oxley to create a video about a fellow writer. I've been assisting Open contributor Lyn Oxley who previously shot and edited a Day in the Life video about Bathurst newsagent Lachlan Sullivan. A keen writer herself, Lyn has now turned her lens towards fellow Bathurst writer Jeff Doherty. Jeff is currently working on a children's illustrated book called Paper Magic... Jeff Doherty - Children's book illustratorBy Lyn Oxley · 2 mins · From Day in the Life
When he isn't at his day job, Jeff works in his studio in Bathurst NSW writing and illustrating children's books. Jeff enjoys designing the characters to fit the story. He adds the scenes and uses a lightbox to copy the illustrations onto watercolour paper. Jeff likes to paint in watercolours to make the pictures light and airy. He looks forward to doing school visits and discussing his work. Paper Magic Reviewed in Buzz Words
Reviewed by Jaquelyn Muller Author of "I Love You 5 Lollipops" Paper Magic is a new fiction chapter book from author/illustrator, Jeffery E Doherty. It tells the story of Marina who is a young girl of approximately 12 or 13, who like most girls her age, harbours insecurities and feelings of self-consciousness. What makes Marina’s case different is that for a reason unknown to the reader (but not integral to the plot), Marina is confined to a wheelchair... Read the full review HERE 4.0 out of 5 stars Just A Touch More Magic Than Most Little Girls November 16, 2013
By Matthew W. Selznick Paper Magic is a gently delightful tale of a little girl overcoming the limitations she carries in her heart that are far more crippling than the limitations that keep her in her wheelchair. With the aid of some very special origami paper, her nimble fingers, an encouraging grandmother, and just a touch more magical imagination than other children, Marina turns a day full of anxiety into one of wonder. Great for helping kids prepare for new situations, especially new schools or neighborhoods. The illustrations are a treat, too. Interview RAMS Magazine![]() 18 August 2013
My favourite part of Paper Magic was when the boys said they would go easy on the girls in basketball but the girls ended up beating the boys. I felt like I was there in the book listening to the kids in the playground.
Amelia Chapman (10 years old) "You've written a beautiful first book. There is magic in the air, in the origami paper Marina folds and between the pages of this book. Sometimes courage, like Marina's wheelchair, just needs a little push... whether it's a trip to the park or the first day at a new school. Paper Magic is an inspiring story about the power of friendship." Sandy Fussell (author of Polar Boy, Jaguar Warrior and the Samurai Kids series) "...It made me feel like I was in your book; watching, smelling, tasting, feeling and hearing everything that happened. I loved your book because it was really touching and emotional..."
Courtney Keats (11 years old) Paper Magic is a delightful, visually rich and original tale about Marina, a wheelchair bound youngster, longing to play with the kids in the park but doesn't think she can, until her grandmother gives her a magical pad of paper and shows her how to bring life to the origami shapes she creates. Inspired by her new-found magic, Marina takes the courageous step of visiting the park. Here she meets new friends, helps out others who are struggling too and faces some challenges along the way.
Children from seven to eleven will be delighted by Marina's magical creations, inspired by her courage to face her fears and will find that real magic exists in friendship. Oh, and they will probably be nagging Mum and Dad for some magic paper to make a boat! I love this line: "Part of her wants to race back to the window seat, safe in her room, but another, bigger part longs to follow the Pied Piper sounds of children playing in the park". This creates such great imagery in my mind of her being drawn to the magical and alluring calls of the kids in the park. Nice one! L.J. Clarkson (author of The Silver Strand. Administrator of Indicated, a promotional and support site for writers.) |